Posts for category Mental Health

Give Back to Your Community

Give the gift of service by volunteering in the community. Giving back helps you cultivate ...

Grey stones steps upon the ocean going to the sun by sunset

The power of nature

Simple as it sounds, connecting with nature can make you feel better. Being in contact ...

Using your Educational Assistance Funds

Educational Assistance (EA) for education related to job and career development efforts. Training activities should relate ...

animated image of female meditating in their home

Mindfulness Resources

Self-Assessments: Mindfulness Quiz Self-Compassion Quiz   Videos: What is Mindfulness? The Space Between Self-Esteem and ...

Women with tied up black hair FaceTiming another individual on their cell phone outdoors

Meru Health on-the-go

  Meru Health is an online mental healthcare program that helps people prevent and overcome ...

Pause a Moment (PAM)

Introducing a new, free well-being program for all staff  Pause a Moment (PAM) is a web-based ...

Mindsets: Clearing your lens on life

You see life through your own unique lens. This is your mindset – the assumptions ...

Relaxing into better days

    Finding time and space to relax this past year has been difficult for ...

Making the Most of Your Holiday Time

The holiday season is usually an exciting time to spend as we please. But this ...

Living with uncertainty

  2020 has been marked by uncertainty and constant upheaval. Most of us have been ...