Posts for category Movement

Healthy Living Fall Registration Opens September 5

Support your well-being through webinars, coaching, and apps.  Embrace the autumn season with wellness offerings ...

Wellness Walk Photo Gallery

Thank you to everyone who organized and shared their photos during the wellness walk. We ...

Grey stones steps upon the ocean going to the sun by sunset

The power of nature

Simple as it sounds, connecting with nature can make you feel better. Being in contact ...

At home fitness

Physical activity for aging adults

  Physical activity has benefits for everyone, but it’s critical for people over 40. HealthySteps ...

Runners on running… at Stanford

Most of us know that running is associated with health benefits. Running helps prevent heart ...

Exercise and technology

Technology is a two-edged sword: because of it, we either sit too much or become ...

We are meant to move

If you ride the Marguerite shuttle service’s Palm Drive Express, this should sound familiar: late-comers ...

Sit too much?

The physiology of inactivity   Well, sorry, but you probably do — even if you ...