Summertime in the Garden Series – Upping Your Culinary Garden Game

July 25, 2022

This class series is co-sponsored with the School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences.

Join us this summer for a fun and informative in-person garden class series. We will meet at the O’Donohue Stanford Educational Farm on Stanford main campus to explore strategies for taking the best advantage of all the health benefits the garden has to offer. Each of the three sessions is offered independently, so you can sign up for just the classes that pique your interest and fit into your busy summer schedule. Join for one or for all!

Class 3 – Upping Your Culinary Garden Game

This final class in this series is designed for gardeners of any level who already bring food from their gardens to their tables and who are curious about ways to improve keeping quality, flavor, and culinary wow factors. We’ll explore topics like optimal harvest and storage practices, sourcing unique varieties, preserving bounty, pairing flavors, and more.

View all three class offerings in this series here.

Instructor: Anna Lee is a PhD student in the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER). She is a master composter for San Mateo County and holds an advanced certificate in ecological horticulture from the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems at UC Santa Cruz and an MS in agroecology from University of Wisconsin, Madison.