Personal Strategies for Alcohol and Drug Management

April 11, 2022

Recent findings indicate that alcohol may be more harmful to our health than previously thought. At the same time, data indicate that both alcohol consumption and drug use increased significantly in the United States during 2020. 

If you feel like it might be a good time to refresh your understanding of your own drinking or drug use, this webinar is for you. We will briefly review the latest evidence regarding known harms, personal risk factors, and neurological pathways that can lead to abuse and dependence. Moreover, this class will explore the ways we use alcohol and drugs – the good things and the not-so-good things about our use – with the aim of helping you think more wisely about how to manage your use, including the decision of whether to quit or not. The class will conclude with practical strategies to help guide you in whatever choice you make and provide resources to support your well-being.

Instructor: William P. Campbell, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of alcohol and drug abuse and trauma. His approach incorporates contemporary behavioral science, developmental psychology, and existential philosophy. He is also chief medical officer at CheckUp and Choices, a website for those concerned about the impact of alcohol and drug use on their performance and well-being.