Painting for Mindfulness, Flow, and Fun

March 06, 2022

Research has shown that the process of creating art can have many beneficial effects on our well-being. Artmaking can increase our sense of presence, flow, and creativity, enhance sensory pleasure and mindfulness of the present moment, and help manage stress and anxiety.

This online workshop offers step-by-step exercises using painting as a mindful and playful way to get in touch with your inner world. Drawing on expressive arts therapy, somatic therapy, polyvagal theory, and mindfulness, we will combine guided visualizations and breathing for nervous system regulation with painting to lead you into a multisensory exploration of art as a tool for relaxation and deeper self-knowledge. Come away with tools for increasing creative flow and regulating the nervous system to relax, all while having fun making art together.

The practices introduced in this workshop are accessible to all. No art experience is necessary. To have the optimal class experience, we suggest access to a relatively quiet space, comfortable clothing that is easy to move in, and basic art materials. Supply details will be provided with registration.

Instructor: Dana Dart-McLean is a therapist and artist working in community mental health and private practice. Her relaxing and playful workshops use expressive art therapy to increase mindfulness and a sense of flow. These practices encourage new relationships to painting as a process rather than an outcome.