LeadWell for Life: Energized by the Science of Healthy Living

February 03, 2022 | 9:00am - 2:30pm


Join us on February 3 for LeadWell for Life: Energized by the Science of Healthy Living. Hear from experts who are passionate about the science of healthy living. Take charge of your own health and be a role model. 



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Powerful leadership can positively influence the health of others, and you can improve your leadership by making healthy choices. You can see the day’s schedule, speakers and session descriptions below and review the speakers’ bios in this PDF.


Jack Groppel, PhD
Judson University

9-9:30 a.m.
The Concept and Need for Agape in Today’s Leadership and Leadership Development

Three decades ago, the concept of purpose in the business world was considered ‘soft’ training. This presentation will discuss the transition from ‘soft’ training to necessary training and consider what the future might hold for leaders and for the arena of leadership development.


Dr. James Doty, MD
Stanford CCARE

9:30-10 a.m.
How Compassionate Leadership Changes Lives

Join us for a discussion on the definition of compassion and how being compassionate affects the brain and has significant positive benefits to one’s mental and physical health.


Maryam Makowski, PhD

10-10:30 a.m.
Nutritional Strategies for Optimal Performance

Certain nutritional strategies can mitigate fatigue and improve our cognitive performance. In this talk, the audience will learn about the effects of diet on cognition and learn a few strategies to improve cognitive performance and alertness and combat daytime sleepiness.


Al’ai Alvarez, MD
Stanford Medicine

10:30-11 a.m.
Embodying (Self) Compassion: Perspectives From an E.R. Doctor

Emergency medicine is one of the most stressful jobs out there. Emergency physicians must routinely make split-second decisions based on limited information, switch tasks from one adverse scenario to another, and field constant distractions and interruptions, often on insufficient sleep. The emotional impact of medical errors and vicarious trauma has been compared to developing post-traumatic stress disorder.


Dr. Noémie Pertel, EdD, MAPP, DACM, MPH
Columbia University

11-11:30 a.m.
Workplace Flourishing: Empowering Positive Change

This session will explore how organizations can address human flourishing as a key feature of sustainability in the future of work. We will look at burnout and how engagement and workplace resources, such as a caring culture, can help build vitality and career longevity.

11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Lunch Break


Ryan Wolf
Gallup Wellness Director

12:30-1 p.m.
Knowing and Using Our Strengths

Each person’s talents are enduring and unique, and their greatest room for growth is in the area of their strengths.  The research linking strengths utilization in the workplace with health, resilience, hope and performance outcomes is substantial and cannot be ignored by business leaders and well-being practitioners. In this session, the science and research on strengths-based approaches in the workplace will be presented along with practical tactics that can be applied in all work settings and industries. 


Patty Purpur de Vries, MS
Stanford University

1-1:30 p.m.
Leading With Energy and Influence

Research has found that those who positively energize others are higher performers and tend to enhance the performance of others. Further, high-performing organizations have three times more positive energizers than low-performing organizations.   

Join us to expand your personal power, upgrade your mindset, and learn how to positively impact those around you. Drawing on research from Kim Cameron, Jane Dutton and others, you will learn how to ask energizing questions, reset your view of “failure,” and take ownership of your future. Walk away with life-enhancing skills that can easily be put into practice, improving both your professional life and personal well-being


David Hunnicutt

1:30-2 p.m.
The Secrets to a Life Well-lived

In this powerful presentation, David Hunnicutt will share with you the secrets of living a triumphant, purposeful and impactful life. Fueled by irrefutable science and shaped with practical wisdom, this session will fill both your head and your heart—and it’s guaranteed to change your life for the better.


Kevin Moody
VP of HR for Stanford School of Medicine

2-2:30 p.m.
Learning and Leading Through Change and Crisis

Kevin will share his reflections on learning and leading through unexpected periods of change and crisis. Drawing on his personal and professional experiences over his career and during the pandemic, Kevin will share insights that illustrate how everyone can find purpose, navigate change, and help others thrive during periods of uncertainty.