CBD 2022: iPause Guided practice #11, Body Scan Mindfulness Meditation with Tia Rich, PhD

October 30, 2022

Join us to enjoy a body-based mindfulness meditation that offers rest and renewal. The session will include progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, intention setting, and facets of the modern form of Yoga Nidra.

??? ??????, yoga nidr?, is the Sanskrit term that translates to yogic sleep. It is described in the 15th century Yoga Prad?pik? is a classic fifteenth-century Sanskrit manual on ha?ha yoga, written by Sv?tm?r?ma.  It also is noted in the Hindu epic the Mahabharta as a special state of consciousness and deep rest.

Modern research has found that Yoga Nidra improves sleep promotes relaxation and healing. and represent an effective tool in reducing both cognitive and physiological symptoms of anxiety.

Please have a quiet space cleared in which you can lie down as well as sit. Also, please bring a pillow to support your head, a blanket for warmth, and an eye pillow or washcloth to cover your eyes. All are welcome to participate. Refresh and revitalize yourself during this guided practice of a body scan.

Tia Rich, PhD, is founder and director of Contemplation By DesignTM. As a Lecturer in the Stanford School of Medicine, she is the principal instructor for the Stanford Community Health and Prevention Research— Contemplation by Design: Applied Contemplative Science Master of Science program. Dr. Rich has been integrating contemplative practices, including yoga, mindfulness, and compassion meditation, into health and well-being community programs and research projects at Stanford University since 1984.

iPause Guide practice #11, Body Scan Mindfulness Meditation is part of the free Contemplation by Design Summit, Oct. 9 – 16 and Oct. 28 – Nov. 2, 2022.
The full Summit schedule is posted at: http://contemplation.stanford.edu/summit. All events are FREE and online.

Registration is now open here: https://stanfordcbdsummit-2022.eventbrite.com/