Introduction to Yoga Nidra

April 06, 2022

Learn how to experience a profound state of awareness through the practice of yoga nidra. In this online class, you will be introduced to this ancient form of mindfulness meditation and experience its profound healing effects throughout the mind, body, and spirit.

This course is a combination of lecture and guided practice where you will learn how to tap into your body's own relaxation and restore response via the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). The physiological benefits of activating the PNS include slowing heart rate, dampening of the "fight or flight" hormones, deep relaxation, and improved sleep. In this state, the body is able to do what it is wired to do: rejuvenate, repair, and restore at a cellular and energetic level.

Plan on being in a quiet and private space during the course where you can lie comfortably on your back or relax in a chair with back support. No experience is necessary.

Instructor: Heather Ford, C-IAYT, is an Accessible Yoga Teacher and Trainer and has been teaching yoga since 2008. She has designed and led yoga classes around the Bay Area including Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford Contemplation by Design Summit, and Stanford Healthy Living. She currently teaches private, online yoga therapy sessions.