Five Times Ten – Ten-Minute Mindfulness Practices to Do Anytime, Anywhere (April 19 – May 12)

April 19, 2022

You've heard about the benefits of mindfulness for reducing stress, improving sleep, and elevating the experience of daily living, and you'd like to get started, but don't have much time to spare. Sound familiar?

This online workshop-style engagement class is designed to provide a low-friction entry into learning and benefiting from foundational mindfulness practices. In eight sessions meeting twice a week, you will learn five practical and replicable practices and ways to implement them into your life without requiring extra time. With just a shift in awareness, these practices can be done simultaneously with daily activities at work or home. You'll receive fundamental, experience-based instruction in meditation and mindfulness derived from the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction curriculum and the latest science demonstrating the benefits to brain, body, and mind.

Instructor: Patty McLucas is the founder of Mindful Wellness Group and has more than 20 years of experience as a wellness consultant. She currently teaches classes in mindfulness for Stanford's Cancer Supportive Care Program and Healthy Living and has taught for other organizations including Apple and Google.