Discerning Self-Care from Self-Sabotage – Neutralizing the Inner Critic (May 27 – June 3)

May 27, 2022

High achieving professionals notoriously struggle with self-critical thoughts that often lead to minimizing self-care and feeling guilt when not being "productive." Yet self-care is not self-indulgence. This investment in your well-being is critical so you can bring your best for your career, your important relationships, and yourself. 

In this online course, we will redefine productivity in a manner that fundamentally includes rest and replenishment. We will demystify the seven types of procrastination to ensure that your self-care practice is not escapism in disguise. Lastly, we will learn why high achievers tend to be so self-critical and explore the three evidence-based responses to decrease the negative impact of self-judgment.

Instructor: Meag-gan O’Reilly, PhD, is a lecturer in the Stanford School of Medicine. Outside of Stanford, she is the co-founder and CEO of Inherent Value Psychology Inc., her private practice in downtown Palo Alto that provides DEI consulting, workshops, trainings, and international speaking engagements, as well as group and individual clinical services for Silicon Valley professionals.