Event Details

Event Type: Online Class

Jul 25 - Aug 01 2024
12:00pm - 1:00pm
At your computer/device

Event Registration

Cook Your Way to Better Health

Are you tired of relying on takeout and processed foods, but struggling to find time and motivation to cook at home? Join us to learn some practical tips to make preparing your own meals a regular part of your routine.

Over two online sessions, you will learn steps to plan and prepare meals that will help you minimize waste and maximize nutrition and resources. Discussion of some simple meal templates and tips in executing your plan in the kitchen will help you build a system that fits your personal needs and lifestyle. You will have a chance to share ideas and strategies with others during class discussions and breakout rooms to enhance your plan. Whether you’re new to meal planning or looking to improve your strategies, this class will give you the tangible tools you need to cook more at home.

This class will not be recorded. Attendance requirement for incentive points – both sessions.

Request disability accommodations and access info.

Instructor: Soowon Kim, PhD, MS, ACC, is a nutrition epidemiologist, an International Coach Federation certified coach, and is trained in Culinary Health Education Fundamentals (CHEF) coaching. She has been at Stanford over 15 years as a wellness program analyst and is a nutrition coach. She is passionate about helping participants nourish themselves confidently and enjoy their full potential and greater overall well-being.

Class details are subject to change.