CBD 2022: Workshop in Integrated Holistic Yoga: Mindfully Embodied Practice to Cultivate Health and Resilience Workshop with Chris Brems, PhD and Heather Freeman, PsyD

October 29, 2022

Integrated holistic yoga is a mindfully embodied practice committed to the cultivation of health and resilience in all layers of self or consciousness. It is a practice that honors each individual practitioner in their unique grounding in a biopsychosociocultural context and in all of their layers of experience. It develops resilience in body, vitality, mind, emotions, actions, and relationships. It honors and emphasizes our profound grounding in relationship and mutuality, and our responsibility to cultivate and bring to bear self-awareness and compassion in our communities.  This gentle movement practice explores somatic mindfulness, affective consciousness, mental and emotional experiences, and reactivities — all in support of cultivating awareness, compassion, and wisdom.

A conceptual introduction and opportunity for debriefing will be included in this interactive workshop.  This Workshop builds upon Dr. Brems' Lecture on Integrated Holistic Yoga presented on Oct. 15. Register for the Integrated Holistic Yoga Lecture here. 

Comfortable clothing and a yoga mat are recommended but not required.

Workshop Co-Presenters: Christiane Brems, PhD, ABPP, C-IAYT, ERYT500 is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Stanford School of Medicine and Director of YogaX, an innovative program dedicated to bringing yoga teachings into healthcare. Dr. Brems integrates yoga, mindfulness, integrative interventions, and self-care in her work as a psychologist, teacher, researcher, mentor, supervisor, consultant, author, administrator, and service provider. She grounds her work in yoga psychology based on ancient and modern texts, as well as in current research, especially in psychology, neuroscience, and interpersonal neurobiology. She honors trauma-sensitive teaching practices and cultural sensitivity, inclusivity, and humility. She encourages individual tailoring of the eight limbs of yoga to the contexts and needs of each practitioner, offering variations that make yoga accessible to all. 

Heather Freeman, PsyD, ERYT500 is the Manager of YogaX, an innovative program dedicated to bringing yoga teachings into healthcare, housed in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Stanford School of Medicine.  Dr. Freeman has extensive yoga and clinical experience in college counseling, primary care, and community mental health. She has led yoga classes, workshops, and trainings in studios, community centers, community mental health settings, on college campuses, in a psychiatric hospital, and in a prison. She synthesizes the ancient wisdom of the teachings of yoga with modern psychology and neuroscience to make the teachings accessible. Her therapy and teaching styles aim to help individuals cultivate curiosity and radically accept what it is to be constantly changing, growing, and evolving human beings.

Integrated Holisitc Yoga: Mindfully Embodied Practice to Cultivate Health and Resilience is part of the free Contemplation by Design Summit, Oct. 9 – 16 and Oct. 28 – Nov. 2, 2022.

The full Summit schedule is posted at: http://contemplation.stanford.edu/summit. All events are FREE and online.

Registration is now open here: https://stanfordcbdsummit-2022.eventbrite.com/