CBD 2022: Postmetaphysical Spirituality and the Embodied Mind with Bruce Alderman, MA

October 11, 2022

What paths lie ahead for religion and spirituality in the 21st Century? In this talk, Bruce Alderman will explore the emergence of an embodied, enactive understanding of spiritual practice that goes well beyond the "mindful stress relief" focus of several recent decades.

Alderman will consider how the insights of modernity and post-modernity, from 4E cognitive neuroscience to critical philosophy, might impact and inform humanity's ancient wisdom traditions, and inspire new forms of contemplative practice today.  From Jurgen Habermas' and Ken Wilber's proposals for a postmetaphysical reframing of religion; to the development of fields such as neurophenomenology to neurotheology; to the anatheism of Richard Kearney, the anthropotechnics of Peter Sloterdijk, and the embodied, polydox theology of Katherine Keller; to John Vervaeke's call to build a "Religion that is Not a Religion" and develop new "ecologies of practice," we are witnessing a striking contemporary re-valuation of the transformative potentials of religion and contemplative exercise. The final portion of this lecture will be a Q&A discussion.

Bruce Alderman, MA, is a faculty member for the Consciousness and Transformative Studies department in the John F Kennedy School of Psychology, National University; the co-host of The Integral Stage podcast; a writer on integral philosophy and spirituality; and a practitioner in Bon, Buddhist, and Time-Space-Knowledge (TSK) traditions. 

Postmetaphysical Spirituality and the Embodied Mind is part of the free Contemplation by Design Summit, Oct. 9 – 16 and Oct. 28 – Nov. 2, 2022.

The full Summit schedule is posted at: http://contemplation.stanford.edu/summit. All events are FREE and online.

Registration is now open here: https://stanfordcbdsummit-2022.eventbrite.com/