CBD 2022: Introduction to the 2022 Summit of Contemplative Skills for Enlivening the Body and Calming the Mind to Cultivate Individual and Societal Healing and Transformation with Tia Rich, PhD

October 09, 2022

With the Power of the Pause we can fully Thrive, Create, and Serve.

Tia Rich, PhD, will provide an overview of Stanford’s 2022 Contemplation by DesignTM Summit’s 40 free sessions that present the evidence-based framework of contemplative science along with proven skills for contemplative practices that enliven the body and calm the mind. Topics include research on contemplative movement and stillness practices for PEACETM: Pausing, Exhaling, Attending mindfully, Connecting compassionately, and Expressing wise compassion. 

In response to the strains and traumas from recent years, the 2022 Summit offers healing and renewal. Summit speakers include: Bessel van der Kolk, Peter Levine, Patrisse Cullors, Thema Bryant, Lisa Miller, Lawrence Barsalou, Fleet Maul, Diane Musho Hamilton, Thomas Hubl, Yi-Yuan Tang, and other leading experts. Contemplative movement practices featured include Yoga with Heather Freeman and Chris Brems, Breathwork with Richard Rosen, Kum Nye with Bruce Alderman, Qigong with Mimi Bell Hamilton, Tai Chi with Teja Bell and Hong Yang, Labyrinth Walking with Lauren Artress, and more.  

Cultivate your capacity to flourish and contribute to the health and well-being of yourself and your community. Join us to deepen your reservoir of skills that revitalize you and the people with whom you interact. Learn from leading contemplative science researchers while delighting in developing practical contemplative skills that develop resilience and wise compassion that support individual and societal healing and transformation. 

You are invited to savor the art that lies in the pauses between the notes. Pianist and composer, Artur Schnabel said, “The notes I handle no better than many pianists. But the pauses between the notes – ah, that is where the art resides.” Insights from the Summits’ diverse dynamic speakers will illuminate how the contemplative pause nurtures the art of living well individually and in community.

This year's Summit especially welcomes you into deeper relationship with the beauty of the body as an orchestra of cells, organs, fluids, bones, and tissues creating the unique symphony of tempos and tones written in the five movements of PEACE.  When we Pause, Exhale, Attend, Connect, and Express, we are able to fully Thrive, Create solutions to society's problems, and Serve the health and well-being of all people and the planet.

Tia Rich, PhD, is founder and director of Contemplation By DesignTM. As a Lecturer in the Stanford School of Medicine she is the principal instructor for the Stanford Community Health and Prevention Research— Contemplation by Design: Applied Contemplative Science Master of Science program. Dr. Rich has been integrating contemplative practices, including yoga and mindfulness and compassion meditation, into health and well-being community programs and research projects by Stanford University since 1984.

Introduction to the 2022 Summit of Contemplative Skills for Enlivening the Body and Calming the Mind to Cultivate Individual and Societal Healing and Transformation is part of the free Contemplation by Design Summit, Oct. 9 – 16 and Oct. 28 – Nov. 2, 2022.

The full Summit schedule is posted at: http://contemplation.stanford.edu/summit. All events are FREE and online.

Registration is now open here: https://stanfordcbdsummit-2022.eventbrite.com/