Resistance band training. Stress management classes. Healthy snacks. Meditation classes. No, these aren’t just experiences you would expect at an exclusive wellness retreat. These are examples of wellness activities practiced by the Endocrine Clinic to create a healthier work environment at Stanford Health Care.
The practices were led by the Wellness Champion, Leah Groppo, who recently received a Champion Leadership Award for her contributions to her team.
How did Leah achieve this? She worked closely with Wellness Manager, Alex Blacker, to implement the large array of resources offered by the HealthySteps to Wellness program. Leah applied for a Wellness Grant on behalf of her clinic. What made Leah’s application stand out was her attention to detail, including specific timing and location of wellness-based activities, as well as a long term plan to create sustainable healthy change in the clinic. Her application truly spoke to creating a culture of wellness within the department. Once the wellness grant was approved, her team was able purchase healthy snacks for every staff member of the clinic to try. Leah also worked with Alex to arrange weekly stress management classes, meditation classes and resistance band training. What’s next? Group hikes at the Dish!
Leah cooks healthy dishes and brings them in to share with her co-workers. She encourages her co-workers to take walking breaks and lets them know about upcoming HealthySteps to Wellness events.
Leah was nominated for the Champion Leadership Award by Assistant Clinic Manager, Rebecca Page. Rebecca shared, “Leah truly makes a difference in the lives of our staff and the lives of our patients every day. Her smile and positive energy spreads to all those around her.”
Congratulations Leah and thank you for being a Wellness Champion!
Is wellness working for your team? Share your team’s wellness wins or nominate a Champion by emailing us at healthysteps@stanfordhealthcare.org
By Terry Palmer, MS
July, 2019